Friday, July 26, 2013

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Altered Art Tops

Check out these exquisite altered tops from Fleurbonheur 's wearable art shop. Outstanding colors and pattern to make you stand out in a crowd-paied with a skirt or jeans.

Witch Shoes

Authenicate your Witches costume from head to toe with a pair of these shoes from shops- Steamhat-Vintagepeltier-ginnyandharriot and veravague

Undercover Cats

Kitten heals

Cats books and boxes Why??

Fall decor displays

All of these fall items will be listed in the next 7 days at studio7329 on eBay

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Halloween hats hats hats

This is the first in a series of Hat features coming up. Build your Halloween costume around one of these fabulous hats and check back for individual shop features and theme and style features -All witches- All tiaras etc.....

From artorrios-ucanmakethis-liltutdivas-bohemiangoddess-conniemaripfost and mspurdy on etsy

Ghost Costumes 101

Try these different ghost style costumes and add your own touches.

Artist- designers-Avabugs,sistersofthemoon,savagedryad,savoyfaire and frogsong all on

Costume features Glamtastic on etsy

Check out Glamtastic on etsy for uber sexy corsette costumes.

Cotton candy-spider web-flower child-seductive mermaid and ghost

Angel Cat

otherwork kiities

aie thinkz me might be  losted